New Zealand Rugby Governance Review Report Released

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New Zealand Rugby Governance Review Report Released

New Zealand Rugby Governance Review Report released

An independent panel commissioned jointly by the New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) and

the New Zealand Rugby Players Association to review the constitution and governance

structure of NZRU Inc. has today released its report.

The purpose of the review was to address a simple question: Is the constitution and

governance structure of NZRU fit for purpose to:

• Ensure the appointment of a board that has the required matrix of skills, experience

and qualifications to govern effectively; and

• Confront the challenges, and maximise the opportunities, that present themselves?

If not, what changes should be made?

The panel reached its conclusions having consulted widely with rugby stakeholders and

interested parties both in person and through a well-publicised submission process.

The Review Panel Chair David Pilkington said “we have first ensured that all voices of the

many stakeholders have been heard. We have travelled the country and listened. We have

received and reviewed hundreds of submissions and interviewed nearly 200 people”.

The report concludes that the current NZRU constitution and consequent governance

structures are not fit for purpose in the modern era.

The panel is recommending two key changes:

1. The creation of an independent process to ensure the appointment of an

appropriately skilled, high performing board to govern the organisation.

2. The creation of a Stakeholder Council to ensure the voices of stakeholders are heard

and their interests represented in a collaborative forum.

The panel’s report provides detailed recommendations based on good governance

principles as to how these changes can be implemented, and an explicit list of matters to be

addressed by a fully independent board.

Pilkington said “New Zealand Rugby in the professional era is a large and complex business.

The structure it sits within was not designed for a business of this size and complexity. There

is widespread recognition that change is needed to address the many challenges. We are

confident that what we propose is the best route forward. The conclusions are not novel,

they exist and work in other organisations and environments”.


“There have been a number of reviews in recent times and it is this panel’s fervent hope

that this is the last review of this type and that walk, finally replaces talk,” Mr Pilkington


The report

Can be downloaded from the NZR website NZR governance review or BoardWorks

The Panel

The independent panel was comprised of David Pilkington (Chair), Anne Urlwin, Whaimutu

Dewes and Graham Mourie, supported by specialist governance consultancy BoardWorks.

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